

Caring For Our Mom’s Physical and Mental Health

During this COVID-19 pandemic, many of us who are staying home may feel depressed and or sad, some might even suffer from mental health issues. The elderly are most likely to be impacted by the new restrictions and disruption to their routines. Therefore, it’s important to pay more attention to our parents’ welfare especially mom’s; and try to spend a little more time with her and offer some emotional support and physical comforts to make her happy and show that you care about her. Every little effort counts!


Here are some ways you could bring joy and beauty to your mom:


  • Connect with her on a more intimate basis

Ask your mom about her thoughts on the current situation. If she is worried or anxious, acknowledge her concerns and share with her ways to overcome these feelings. Offer her emotional support and assure her you are there for her.  You may also wish to take the opportunity to speak to her more often, share some jokes or get to know her better. Take the opportunity to update her technology skills such as teaching her how to Zoom to connect with her neighbours or friends.


  • Encourage her to exercise or be active at home

It’s easy for the elderly to get inactive during the Circuit Breaker period with the restrictions on exercising in a group or with the family. Encourage mum to do some light exercises at home. There are many Youtube exercise videos that cater to the elderly.  Do check in regularly on her health and bring her to the doctor if she is displaying any physical discomforts.  


  • Call or send her a text everyday 

Even if you are not staying with your mom, you can still bring a smile to your mom’s face. Small acts of kindness have big payoffs. Sending your mom a quick text or calling her during the day says you’re thinking about her will make her feel appreciated and special. Phone calls and video calls daily or weekly will give her something to look forward to!

  • Ensure she has nutritionally balanced meals

This is an important time now to make sure mum is eating well.  Ensure she has enough nutrients in her meals.  Getting her to load up on fruits and vegetables will also help to boost her immune system.  This is a good time to cook for your mom. When ordering food delivery, make sure there are no food that may cause her any allergies or discomfort.

  • Little surprises, bring her Beauty & Joy!

Send mom little surprises to cheer her up.  Be it her favourite snacks, flowers or a dress, it will definitely make her day. You should also take this time to teach her how to do online shopping, or better yet, do some online shopping together with her at home. Visit our website and ask her to pick her own gift!

Rose of Sharon is offering a 20% Online Discount online with free delivery for every purchase. Receive a $40 with minimum spend of $200 & above. Perfect time to buy mum a dress so she looks forward to her first outing with you after the Circuit Breaker period!


We have also curated a #WFH collection of functional and stylish pieces that you can get so you can be comfortable yet look presentable while working from home.⁠


Happy shopping!

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