

The Importance of Dressing for Success

Did you know that dressing for success can actually lead to increase success in your life?  


Like it or not, your clothes and presentation speak volumes about you as a person. The question is not whether you care about fashion, it’s more about what you’re communicating intentionally or unconsciously through your fashion choices.

Your clothes tell a story about you. If you want to show that your work is clean, sharp, and to the point, you need to dress in clean lines and silhouettes.

The image you choose to portray to others is a big reflection of your true self, but the opposite effect can also be achieved. Ever heard the slogan “dress for success”? It’s true.

Your appearance is influential to others as well, not just yourself. It’s important to portray a good image to coworkers and clients. Being in the workplace often entails meeting new people, interacting with coworkers, and communicating with managers.

It’s vital to give off your best impression in every way possible. Let nothing stand in the way of paving your road to success.


Since it only takes a matter of seconds for impressions to be formed when a person meets you for the first time, no matter the occasion, be it attending a business meeting, giving a speech or even a meal with your in laws, dressing well and presenting yourself right is already half the battle won.

Why Dress For Success?

1. It Boosts Your Confidence

When you put in time and effort to dress well and look good, you are more likely to like how you look. Dressing for success will also exude to others an image of self-respect and self-worth. Showing that you came prepared for the occasion you are in also indicates to people that you are worthy of their time and energy.

When you feel good on the outside, you are more likely to feel good inside, which in turn boosts your confidence, making you want to try your best in whatever you are doing.


2. It Makes You More Productive

Who doesn’t enjoy chilling at home in an old T-shirt and comfortable shorts? It definitely feels good to be in comfortable clothes all day, but it is important to know that you will feel the laziest when you are away from the world in your comfort zone. When you decide to dress for success, know that you will look good, feel good and be more motivated to hustle and achieve your goals!

If you have a day full of events ahead,  ditch the shorts and dress sharply instead! 


How to Dress For Success

1. Choose The Right Clothes For You

The first step to dressing for success is realising what flatters your body, and what doesn’t. To know that, you have to find out what colours go well with your skin and hair, and what clothing styles accentuate your assets best.

Fashion is all about expressing yourself, so don’t be afraid to experiment with new looks! 

2. Plan Ahead 

Before any occasion,  be sure to plan your outfit ahead of time. It is always a good idea to choose your outfits the night before as it gives you a good amount of time to trial and error, ensuring that you are fully satisfied with your chosen outfit before your big day. It also helps to save time in the morning – Spend the time on a nice, hearty breakfast instead!


3. Keep It Simple

Keep the attention on you as an individual. Accessories should add the finishing touch to your outfit, rather than be the main attraction. Make sure the jewellery and belts you wear are not too showy or eye-catching! 

When using perfume, be sure to limit use of it as it is meant to enhance your presence, not to overwhelm.


A general rule of thumb when dressing for success is to note how it makes you feel. If an outfit makes you feel good, confident and the best version of yourself, that’s the one! Go forth, and accomplish your goals!

Here at Rose of Sharon, we would love to assist you in choosing the best outfits to dress for success. Visit our stores omake an appointment with our fashion advisors which will pick out the best winning outfits with you here! Don’t wait, shop now to enjoy a 20% storewide discount in the month of March! 

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