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What you need to know about PBSA

 At Rose of Sharon (ROS), which makes us keep motivated is to bring joy and beauty to women. 

Every woman is beautiful inside and out, we celebrate the beauty that is already in you, and our clothes are designed to bring out the best in you. 

Together we discover the unique dress personality and body shape that you have. When you are dressed according to your personality, you will feel great and confident. We curate and craft our cuttings to fit your body shape. We carry a wide range of styles to suit you. Our choice of fabrics has to ensure comfort and high-quality wear. The styles are kept timeless, simple and elegant. 

The clothes are to flatter your body to make you look taller and slimmer. We recognise the different role you play as a friend sister, mom, daughter, a leader and at your workplace. We understand the struggles of life, and we believe that self-care of emotions is vital. Thus we desire to dress you up to look great and confident. 

We want to create joyful moments of delight when the clothes fit just right. Truly a happy woman is a beautiful woman. 



What you need to know about Personality in dressing. 

1. Natural

With your persona, you prefer comfortable and easy-to-maintain clothes. You value comfort and functionality. The clothing fabrics need to be lightweight, minimal details yet stylish. you are an active individual who demands free movement and ease of dressing!


2. Elegant

You have presence that is gracious, alluring and dainty. Your love in style are designs that have the elegance of charm and sleek. Radiating authority yet remaining feminine, you have a keen sense of fashion that invokes charisma with sophistication. 


3. Classic

Your wardrobe consists of a lot of neutrals such black, gray, navy blue and beige. Clean straight lines dominate your closet. You prefer to keep your outfit simple, timeless and business-like. A tendency to match your outfits (ie. a handbag in a colour that is similar your shoes) is in your nature. 


4. Dramatic

You're a lively person with rather exotic tastes, who wants to have fun and experiment with bold & striking colours and unique style of clothes! You love to party and adore glamour, so your wardrobe will always have one-off designs and impulse buys that will stand alone. 


5. Feminine

You're feminine, ladylike and never lose your feminine allure choosing softness and drape, frills and laces. Always conscious of being well groomed and like to present yourself looking your best! You love beautiful tactile fabrics, gentle or pretty colour and details on your clothes that will accentuate your curves. 


Body Shape 

1. Triangle aka "Pear" : Your hips are wider than your shoulders

2. Inverted Triangle : Your shoulders are or bust are larger than your hips

3. Rectangle : Your shoulders, bust, & hips are around the same size, with no defined waistline

4. Hour Glass : Your shoulders & hips are around the same size, with a very defined waistline.


So if you want to know more about our PBSA (Personality And Body Styling Analysis) book now ! 





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